An updated overview of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, including epidemiology, risk factors for infection, spectrum of clinical disease, diagnosis and management.
While paediatric cervical masses are most commonly benign and transient in nature, judicious consideration of red flag and congenital conditions is crucial.
Healthcare professionals may face pressure for urgent diagnosis and management but also need to consider a medium- and long-term plan in the context of the social and cultural environment.
This review provides a contemporary update on androgen deprivation therapy, with further discussion of emerging novel therapies for primary care.
This article provides a targeted instructive management algorithm for improving understanding of conservative strategies in prostate cancer.
Scrotal calcinosis is a benign condition characterised by the progressive appearance of solitary or multiple calcified, painless nodules on the scrotum.
Optimal contraceptive choices for women in their 40s.
An uncircumcised man aged 70 years presented to a dermatology clinic with a three-month history of a persistent erythematous rash of the glans penis.
An unusual breast lesion in an adolescent female highlights the need for adherence to a validated algorithm for investigation of a new breast symptom.
A man aged 46 years presented to a multidisciplinary team (plastic surgery, radiation oncology, dermatology) with a year-long history of a lentigo maligna on the right ear lobe.
A man aged 53 years presents with a 1–2-month history of a rapidly increasing skin growth on his right medial ankle.
This case highlights the prevalence and potential consequences of elevated blood pressure in children and adolescents, as well as options for managing hypertension in the paediatric population.
This paper is a guide to the assessment, evaluation and management of clinical presentations after parotid surgery.
Palpitations are one of the most common presentations to general practice, and while they are usually benign, they may also have life-threatening significance.
An otherwise well girl aged 11 months presented to her general practitioner with an unusual lesion on her posterior neck.