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Select the option that best describes you

Where do you reside?

Where do you currently reside?

Select the option below that best describes you

Select the option below that best describes you

When did you enroll in your registrar training program?

Select start date of your training program?

Enrolment prior to 1 July 2016

As of 1 January 2016, all registrars who are commencing or continuing training in the AGPT, must be a financial member of the RACGP prior to their first day of training. This is required for training to be recognised towards the requirements of the Vocational Training Pathway. For further information please view the Registrar Membership Policy.

Select start date of your training program?

Enrolment after 1 July 2016

As of 1 January 2016, all registrars who are commencing or continuing training in the AGPT, must be a financial member of the RACGP prior to their first day of training. This is required for training to be recognised towards the requirements of the Vocational Training Pathway. For further information please view the Registrar Membership Policy.

Option 1 - Today:
Registrars who are commencing their training in 2017 but would like to access RACGP member benefits immediately.

Option 2 - The day before your training date:
Registrars who wish to begin their membership from the day prior to their first day of training will not have access to RACGP member benefits until the day prior to training commencement.

Click here to download the rate card

Need assistance?

Talk to our member services team on 1800 4RACGP (1800 472 247) or email membership@racgp.org.au