Professor Deborah Parker
is a registered nurse who has been researching palliative care for older people for the past 20 years.
Dr Nelson Ma
is a lecturer in accounting at the University of Technology Sydney Business School.
CommBank Australia
provides banking and financial services across Australia and around the world.
Liam Petterson
is Deputy Editor, Health + Medicine, The Conversation Australia.
Lucy Beaumont
is Senior Deputy Section Editor: Health + Medicine, The Conversation Australia.
Associate Professor Alexander Larcombe
is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Respiratory Environmental Health team at the Wal-yan Respiratory Research Centre.
Doctors’ Health Fund
is a registered private health insurance provider for doctors and the medical community.
Rebecca Aicheler
is a Senior Lecturer in Immunology at Cardiff Metropolitan University.
Morgaine Barnes
Ms Barnes is Acting Medical Recruitment Officer at WA Country Health Service.
Adjunct Professor Trevor Shilton
is National Director of Active Living at the National Heart Foundation of Australia.