Louis Christie
is a GP with a special interest in palliative care, Chair of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Palliative Medicine General Practice Special Interest Group, and a Palliative Care Service Senior Medical Officer at Western NSW Local Health District.
Medical Indemnity Protection Society
is a not-for-profit organisation and medical defence organisation. Its main role is to assist members in the event that there is an adverse outcome in the course of their professional practice.
Professor Katy Bell
is a medically trained epidemiologist with specialist expertise in evaluating tests used for screening, diagnosis and surveillance.
Scarlett Smout
is a PhD Candidate and Research Associate at The Matilda Centre, University of Sydney.
Katrina Champion
is a Senior Research Fellow at The Matilda Centre for Research in Mental Health and Substance Use and School of Public Health at the University of Sydney.
Lauren Gardner
is a Senior Research Fellow within the Matilda Centre at the University of Sydney.
Kym Gardner
is a Medico-legal Adviser for MDA National.
Attorney-General’s Department
delivers programs and policies to maintain and improve Australia’s law and justice framework.
Dr Manisha Fernando
is a newsGP journalist and practising GP.
Sasenie Jayanetty
is a medical student at the Univerity of Tasmania.