

Therapeutic cannabis industry labelled ‘Wild West of medicine’

David Lam

18/04/2024 3:00:00 AM

Should GPs be managing their own patients rather than referring to vertically integrated cannabis clinics?

Medicinal cannabis products sitting on table.
In 2019, only 1.8% of people on medical cannabis obtained it through prescriptions. In 2022–23, this number has risen to 22%.

A recent study by Monash University has described cannabis prescribing in Australia as the ‘Wild West of medicine’.
It reports the dangers posed by vertically integrated clinics ‘dedicated’ to medicinal cannabis and highlights a glaring conflict of interest when these clinics are owned by suppliers of the cannabis products.
The 2023 Cannabis in Australia report by the Penington Institute also acknowledges the conflict of interest, stating that some clinics sell their own brand of cannabis medicines or otherwise direct patients to specific pharmacies with commercial agreements with the prescribing clinic.
To reach their findings, Monash University academics conducted in-depth interviews with 17 Australian doctors, many of whom expressed concerns over cannabis being prescribed in these clinics without taking an adequate medical history and risk assessment.
‘I think the industry has a serious conflict of interest problem with clinics being owned by suppliers, which is rampant, and zero transparency about that,’ one doctor who has issued more than 1000 cannabis prescriptions said.
‘Similarly, there are numerous dodgy deals in relation to pharmacies, so patients being forced to use a particular pharmacy …
‘There [are] all sorts of weird stuff going on because it’s the “Wild West of medicine” at the moment in some regards.’
As well as potential harm to the patient, the doctors said unethical prescribing also reinforces the stigma associated with cannabis prescribers. These doctors experienced indiscriminate criticism from colleagues following a lack of differentiation between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ prescribers in the community.
‘I’m a bit quiet about it,’ another doctor who has also issued more than 1000 prescriptions said.
‘People look at me like I’ve got about three or four heads, and go, “you don’t prescribe that, do you?”, “Oh, really. Well, there’s no scientific evidence for that”.’
With more than 800 different medicinal cannabis products available, it can be challenging for doctors to know which products are in stock and which pharmacies will dispense them, which has been associated with a rise in dedicated cannabis clinics.
In fact, the study highlights that almost 10 years since the legalisation of medical cannabis in Australia, a widespread lack of knowledge among doctors is still the main barrier to cannabis prescribing.
Other obstacles include a time-intensive prescribing process, divided opinions on the net usefulness of cannabis and negative attitudes towards prescribers from their peers.
But even though the average GP may feel uncomfortable or reluctant to proceed when a patient brings up medicinal cannabis, our important role cannot be ignored.
Statistics from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare show that in 2022–23, 3% of Australians (around 700,000 people), had used cannabis for medical purposes. This was most commonly, according to the National Drug Strategy Household Survey, for chronic non-cancer related pain, as well as anxiety and cancer-related pain and nausea.
While the majority (70%) still acquire their medicinal cannabis without a prescription, prescriptions for cannabis have recently increased 10-fold.
In 2019, only 1.8% of people on medical cannabis obtained it through prescriptions. In 2022–23, this number has risen to 22%.
With medical cannabis prescriptions on the rise, it seems logical that all GPs have a basic understanding of its potential use and harms. Yet the study suggests there is an overwhelming lack of training in the pharmacology, available products, dosing and adverse reactions among the medical community.
Subjects admitted this was an area not at all covered during medical school and that most knowledge was gained through self-study using online resources. However, most found it hard to find resources that were unbiased and credible.
Concerns over adverse reactions and resultant medico-legal liability, as cannabis has not yet been approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), were also quoted as barriers by the participants.
Melbourne-based GP Associate Professor Vicki Kotsirilos is an experienced authorised prescriber of medical cannabis. She says GPs are ideally poised to manage the nuanced prescribing required for medicinal cannabis treatment and cautions against referring patients to specialist cannabis clinics.
‘We know that the evidence behind medical cannabis is not that strong, but it may play a role in non-cancer related pain not responsive to other treatments,’ she told newsGP.
‘Nonetheless, medicinal cannabis is an unapproved medication and should only be used as a last resort treatment when all other evidence-based treatments have been exhausted.’
She believes the long-term ongoing relationship GPs have with patients means they are ‘always in the best position’ to manage treatment.
‘We know what their risks are, such as previous psychosis, planning for pregnancy or being under 18, and what they’ve tried,’ Associate Professor Kotsirilos said.
‘GPs are holistic. We are able to look at all of the contributors to a problem including lifestyle and behaviour factors, for example, how stress or trouble at home might be impacting chronic pain.
‘We can then facilitate evidence-based non-medication treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy too.’
Associate Professor Kotsirilos encourages all GPs to develop a basic understanding of the potential roles and risks of medicinal cannabis so they can have informed and non-judgemental conversations with their patients.
She also strongly believes in patients undergoing a thorough risk assessment and continuous monitoring by their own GP, and considers some ‘dedicated’ cannabis clinics unethical.
‘It is important for both the patient and the doctor to feel comfortable having a conversation about medicinal cannabis,’ she said.
‘If the patients feels dismissed, they may pursue other channels to get cannabis. This may include approaching “dedicated” telehealth clinics with an obvious conflict of interest or even obtaining illicit THC, which can be very dangerous.
‘At the end of the day, we want to consolidate a model where the patient goes back to their regular GP, because GPs know their patients well.’
More information on cannabis prescribing, including the cannabis prescribing safety checklist and consent form, is available on the RACGP website.
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Dr Paul Michael Coughlan   18/04/2024 8:23:45 AM

Reality check here please.
This is non THC Cannabis , not "medicinal"-that is marketing.
The use of the term medical or medicinal can only apply for use in conditions such as Dravets where there is evidence .
This is the current position of IASP and FPM of RANZCA
As such there is zero pressure whatsoever on the medical profession to buy into feeling pressured to prescribe other than that which we place on ourselves.
Give advice based on the EB and harms , after that it is caveat emptor.
Sadly the opportunity for research has been missed in the stampede to market.

Dr Paul Michael Coughlan   18/04/2024 10:20:22 AM

And, at the risk of ranting -this situation has been enabled by ill informed vote grubbing legislation from politicians eager to provide a simple solution to a complex problem , and a subsequent pile-on from entrepreneurial elements .

Dr Alistair Vickery   18/04/2024 5:31:56 PM

This is exactly the reputational problem that has been discussed since prescribing was legalised in 2016 for CBD and for THC (@paulcoughlan)

No other pharmaceutical agent would be allowed to have vertical integration from pharma coy to patient and no prescribing of S8 products (ie THC) would be so unregulated to allow prescription sight unseen and with no formal follow-up or review.

The "Wild West" prescribing and dispensing is harming the prospect of acceptance of medicinal cannabis as a recognised therapeutic and pharmacological treatment. The learned Colleges are right to be shocked by such unregulated behaviour.

This behaviour of the few for the many will set the therapy back at least 5 years

Dr Ruth Helen Gawler   18/04/2024 10:33:41 PM

Wow! Who needs the reality check?? How stupid is it for such a wonderful medication that has relieved so much anxiety and pain in the community at large, to be canned and talked about as if "it's not scientifically evidence based".
Wake up Paul, your views are both outdated and uncompassionate.
Take a look at yourself in the mirror and notice in looking into your own eyes if you have a bee in your bonnet, or some ax to grind? Ask all your patients about their use of these medications and the amazing effects. Kept my dear deceased mother, with terminal cancer, smiling and eating for 4 years!

Dr Joel Wren   19/04/2024 2:03:21 AM

@Dr Paul I disagree with your comment, and the article itself.
"Medicinal" cannabis is best described in the Australian context as prescription cannabis conforming to TGO standards as defined by the legislative framework set out by the TGA. There's a clear difference between that and "cannabis used for a medical purpose" as this also lumps in illicit sources with no standardised testing, no consistency, and no professional guidance. The article states "In 2019, only 1.8% of people on medical cannabis obtained it through prescriptions" which is an egregious conflation of illicit cannabis to that provided on script.
Speaking of evidence, I would not trust the Faculty of Pain as their Choosing Wisely recommendation was based on a survey of fellows, and it contravenes evidence provided directly by the TGA stating efficacy of MC for chronic pain. Prof Vagg has stated that cannabis is the next opioid epidemic, if not worse, which highlights his own separation from reality.

Dr Joel Wren   19/04/2024 2:20:15 AM

While I appreciate the intention of this study, it's important to contextualise the responses; this was 17 prescribers giving their opinion anonymously. Statements around conflicts of interest and forced pharmacies weren't quantified, and if they were directly asked around their own prescribing habits, these results didn't make the cut (outside of number of scripts). They also cited frequent prescribers as those that did 10 or more scripts in a 12 month period and 5 of the 17 interviewed did not prescribe at all in the last 12 months.

A few intresting insights, but I think it's incredibly short-sighted to draw any larger conclusions from these limited interviews.

Dr Ruth Helen Gawler   19/04/2024 9:19:02 AM

is was a great article and keeping GPs up to speed. I agree with Dr Vicki Kotsirilos that GPs play a big and important role here. Personally I would love to see the RACGP have a non-biased, non-sponsored education course set up for GPs in Australia to help manage our patients and provide an informed discussion on Medicinal Cannabis.

Dr Paul Michael Coughlan   4/12/2024 2:46:00 PM

Thanks Dr Gawler ,

that commentary is an interesting mixture of supposition and anecdotal experience.

TGA position per link;

There is a pressing need for an extension of evidence based tools available to General Practitioners, particularly in the area of chronic pain and its comorbidities.

There is a reasonable expectation from the profession that as part of the social contract potential interventions will be tested equally via the established quality control systems applied to pharmaceuticals in general.

Due to the way that "medicinal cannabis"' has been escalated without the usual checks and balances , the research is never going to happen.

The end result is the current escalation of use as per Dr Kotsirilos current NewsGP commentary.