Australia’s health system still failing people with acute mental health needs: Report People presenting to emergency departments in mental health crisis experience long waits and are more likely than patients with other conditions to leave without completing treatment, a new report has found.
What’s it like working as a surgical assistant? GPs say combining general practice with the operating theatre keeps work stimulating.
Sweeping changes proposed to key indicator of general practice quality An RACGP–AIHW collaboration has led to major improvements to the Potentially Preventable Hospitalisations indicator.
E-chatting about digital health to vulnerable populations Dr Melinda Choy is hoping her research will make a difference.
GP’s petition for children on Nauru receives significant response Dr Sara Townend wanted to help doctors advocate for the health of children and their families on Nauru, and has found strong support from a number of her colleagues.
How can GPs best prepare for – and respond to – disasters? Limited communication between emergency-response teams and primary care means GPs should independently plan for natural disasters, Dr Penny Burns told newsGP.
RACGP rejects proposed cuts to surgical assistance fees The RACGP has questioned suggested changes to surgical assistance MBS items that would effectively cut payments by a quarter.
What happens when a GP refuses to accept any more faxes? Dr Oliver Frank says GPs have great influence in nudging healthcare towards the digital age.
Two dozen PBS-listed medicines to drop in price A total of 24 medicines listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme will see a mandated price decrease from 1 October.
Report shows significant growth in Australian health expenditure Most of the increase in health spending, which has risen to more than $7400 per person, is driven by federal, state and territory governments.