The Registrar Clinical Encounters in Training (ReCEnT) project aims to document and analyse the nature of the clinical and educational content of general practice registrar consultations. The report generated from each round of ReCEnT enables registrars to self-reflect on their clinical exposure and adjust their training and learning goals accordingly.
This information is not only of great value in supporting registrar individual learning, but it also informs the education and training program overall. An optional part of the project provides a platform for further research and audit activity, including by GP registrars.
ReCEnT is a core educational activity for RACGP and will be rolled out nationally over the coming semesters. Regions participating in ReCEnT 2023.1 are
- NSW and ACT – all registrars
- Tasmania – All registrars
- Eastern Victoria – GPT2 and GPT3 registrars who have previously participated in ReCEnT (no new GPT1 registrars)
Timeline for emails and ReCEnT start dates
Pre-round info email
ReCEnT start date
Supervisors & Practice Managers
(of participating registrars)
3rd April
11th April
11th April
12th April
17th April
13th April
24th April
Tas GPT1/2/3
26th April
8th April