‘Renewal from the ashes’: Ten years on from Black Saturday Survivors and healthcare professionals reflect on the impacts of the disaster, including the long and complicated recovery.
Government pledges $70m annually for dementia care More than 30 specialist care units for patients with dementia will be established under the new funding.
Jan–Feb issue of Australian Journal of General Practice now available The latest issue of the Australian Journal of General Practice, the RACGP’s peer-reviewed scholarly journal, is available online.
Worth the weight Dr Hester Wilson writes on how gentle questions over the long term can help patients with chronic disease make changes.
Same-sex marriage debate damaged LGBTQI mental health: Study Research has confirmed what many long believed.
Researchers appeal for support, with some GPs forced to ‘moonlight’ The establishment of UK fellowships to support GPs combining research with clinical work has prompted calls for a similar initiative in Australia.
Future GP workforce: Strategies to get ahead of the crisis curve Examining a recent discussion warning that supply is set to worsen due to recruitment failures and the impacts of casualisation.
Collaboration key to addressing overuse of medication in aged care newsGP talks to an expert following reports of aged care residents being overly sedated and restrained.
World-first Aboriginal health TV network launched The network is designed to ‘revolutionise’ the way Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people receive health information.