Comments policy

newsGP comments policy

The RACGP encourages healthy, respectful debate. As such, all comments should be in line with RACGP standard terms and conditions and member code of conduct. Commenting is open to all RACGP members who log in with their RACGP member details. Your email address is used to verify your membership and will not be published with your comment.

Comments should be brief, constructive in nature, and relevant to the topic(s) raised in the article. This includes offering alternative or dissenting viewpoints.
All comments are moderated prior to publication. A comment may not be published at the discretion of the editor if, in the opinion of the editor, one or more of the below criteria have been breached. These criteria include but are not limited to:

  • misleading, inaccurate or deceptive commentary
  • content that is defamatory or, in the judgement of the editor, may be perceived as defamatory
  • threatening or harassing commentary
  • racism, sexism or other discriminatory language
  • obscene or pornographic material
  • content containing malicious computer code or software
  • specific pharmaceutical or clinical recommendations
  • comments attempting to sell products or services
  • requests for medical advice.
Commenters should remember to:
  • be respectful
  • keep it clean
  • consider privacy
  • not share patient data
  • think about what they share.
If you believe that any content on this website does not adhere to the above guidelines, please contact the editor at detailing your concerns.