In Practice: Point-of-care ultrasound skills GPs interested in point-of-care ultrasound will soon have an opportunity to upskill via a full-day workshop.
FP 50 restriction sparks prescribing authority debate GPs have questioned why some medications can only be prescribed by certain specialties, calling differential access to the PBS ‘utterly illogical’.
Specialist colleges in united front against pharmacy prescribing Allowing pharmacists to prescribe Schedule 4 medications has been described as ‘inconsistent with good practice’.
How regional practices are responding to the sector’s top challenges SPONSORED: Research suggests financial sustainability and workforce shortages are disproportionately impacting rural and remote clinics.
Rural visit lays foundation for enhanced GP training RACGP representatives have strengthened ties with rural training stakeholders during a recent trip to Broken Hill.
‘Like a dream come true’: Ayman Shenouda’s remarkable GP journey The former RACGP Rural Chair is the latest recipient of the prestigious Rose-Hunt Award. Here he reflects on the evolution of his career.
In Practice: Pathways to the Rural Generalist Fellowship There are several options to obtain RG Fellowship – including for junior doctors training on the Australian General Practice Training Program.
‘More towns without a doctor’: Increase in GPs moving from rural areas Recent rule changes have exacerbated pressure on remote general practice, underlining the need for urgent reform, according to RACGP Rural Chair Dr Michael Clements.
In Practice: Close the Gap Day event To mark its commitment to achieving health equity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, the RACGP is hosting an online forum next week.
‘A fundamental issue’: RACGP calls for changes to reproductive healthcare At a Senate Inquiry, Dr Nicole Higgins and Professor Danielle Mazza will be pushing for greater support for GP training to build workforce capability.