The pill remains the default female contraceptive. Should it be? Newer contraceptives may be better options, but unfamiliarity may be preventing wider uptake.
Health of the Nation: Indispensable snapshot of general practice GPs who take part in the annual survey from 30 April will help provide a unique overview of Australian general practice.
Overcoming biases to close the gap To mark Close the Gap Day, campaign co-chair Karl Briscoe discusses how GPs can make their practices more culturally safe.
COVID-19 special In this special episode, The Good GP interviews Professor Paul Effler, Senior Medical Advisor, Communicable Disease Control Directorate in the Department of Health, on the current COVID-19 pandemic. This podcast covers: flattening the curve and what Australia can learn from other countries the current implications and recommendations for recovered cases (particularly for recovered GPs) and immunity preparing patients at higher risk or with comorbidities. Please note: this episode was recorded on Tuesday 17 March 2020. As information on COVID-19 changes daily, some of the advice in this podcast may no longer be current by the time of listening.
‘The results are not good enough’: Long way to go in closing the gap Only two of seven targets are being met in efforts to close Australia’s healthcare gap – the same result as last year.
Novel coronavirus Experts Professor Paul Effler and Dr David Spiers discuss the novel coronavirus and the current situation in Australia. This episode explores the background of the coronavirus, and theories about how such a virus can start in the human population. It also covers: infectivity, transmissibility and severity what GPs can learn from the SARS and MERS virus, and how this information can help prevention in Australia, including what is being done to avoid a China-like outbreak vaccines what GPs should do if a patient calls with concerns they may be infected masks and personal protective equipment (PPE) what GPs can do to protect themselves and their practices. Information correct as at 4 February 2020.
Breast implants The Good GP discusses breast implants with Dr Anand Deva, Director of Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Macquarie University and co-director of the Surgical Infection Research Group. This episode examines the history of implants, frequency of procedures, risks, and the recommendations for patient follow-up.
Advance care directives The Good GP interviews Dr Karen Detering, sleep and respiratory physician, clinical ethicist and Medical Director of Advance Care Planning Australia.
‘Everyone can benefit from having a GP in their lives’ Recent research has seen doctor self-care under the spotlight.
RACGP exam special – OSCE preparation podcast: Part 2 The Good GP covers covers the physical examination in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), diagnosis and management, and resources and supports to assist with preparation.