‘A fundamental issue’: RACGP calls for changes to reproductive healthcare At a Senate Inquiry, Dr Nicole Higgins and Professor Danielle Mazza will be pushing for greater support for GP training to build workforce capability.
Research underlines the importance of rural placements Medical students who complete a 12-week rural training program are more likely to work as doctors in similar communities, a study has shown.
Flying doctors suggest rural health fixes RFDS report shows stark lack of rural health access, with the commonest emergency presentation being one that primary care could help prevent.
How to save primary care in remote Australia: RACGP NT Chair What happens when an area loses its GPs? Dr Sam Heard is witnessing the fallout, and has set out a treatment plan to combat the issue before it is too late.
Reports of ‘million-dollar’ GP packages labelled canary in the workforce coalmine The Shire of Quairading is the latest local council to dig into its own pockets in a desperate attempt to source a GP – but the RACGP Rural Chair predicts it will not be the last.
‘Very exciting’: Tasmania GPs in training trial welcomed A new trial announced by the Prime Minister aims to give rural GPs in training more certainty as they work towards Fellowship.
In Practice: Skin cancer clinical risk management A new webinar is set to delve into risk management and medico-legal issues that can arise in general practice skin cancer treatment.
‘So many wonderful things’: Why this GP couple went rural Drs Gerard and Melanie Considine were among the first new Rural Generalist Fellows. They tell newsGP what draws them to their work.
RACGP pushes for greater reproductive healthcare access A college submission has called for changes aimed at making abortion and contraceptive services more affordable and accessible.
Mental health care and the tyranny of distance People outside metropolitan cities face higher rates of suicide, worse mental health, and greater barriers to care, new research suggests.