Warning issued on point-of-care testing compliance Despite thousands of MBS claims, the DoHAC understands no clinics are approved for the HbA1c test, sparking calls for practices to get accredited.
Halt the Hospital in the Home ‘headaches’: RACGP Plagued with inconsistent guidance, billing confusion, and poor communication, the college has written to the Health Minister calling for change.
Scope review creating ‘McMedicine’: RACGP President The investigation’s latest report left Dr Nicole Higgins ‘angry and devalued’, as it ‘trades off quality and safety for convenience’.
Have your say on the state of general practice GPs can take part in the Health of the Nation survey to inform the RACGP’s top-level advocacy and shape the future of general practice.
A regular GP helps you live longer: Study Research has linked continuity of care, higher patient rebates, and access to full-time equivalent, fully qualified GPs with greater life expectancy.
Government urged to learn from NHS failures The apparent direction of the ongoing Scope of Practice review has RACGP members concerned that convenience will be prioritised over safety.
Redefined accreditation could boost mobile care clinics The RACGP has launched a revised definition of general practice in an effort to make accreditation and access to incentives more inclusive.
Nine in 10 AGPT participants satisfied with program quality Results from the 2023 National Registrar Survey suggest the transition to college-led training was ‘very successful’, according to an RACGP rep.
RACGP voices support for Indigenous health equity The college has reiterated its commitment help Close the Gap by 2030 and empower more First Nations people to become GPs.
‘Devalued’ GPs rail against task substitution in Scope review The role of general practice is oversimplified and the profession misunderstood, according to a scathing RACGP Scope of Practice submission.