Calls for greater awareness of context in guidelines for doctor–patient boundaries The RACGP wants more clarity in the Medical Board of Australia’s proposed new guidelines on personal doctor–patient relationships.
Information lockdown: The importance of backing up general practice data Implementing an effective system for data backup and recovery is an essential preventive activity for the health of a general practice.
RACGP frustrated with lack of consideration in Productivity Commission recommendations The RACGP is disappointed with the Productivity Commission’s failure to heed its recommendations on key Australian healthcare issues in its final report on reforms to the human services sector, President Dr Bastian Seidel told newsGP.
Moving care from hospital to the community RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel addressed delegates at the 4th International Health Care Reform Conference in Sydney, speaking on the topic, ‘moving care from hospital to community’.
High bulk-billing rate does not reflect true costs or value of general practice The Federal Government has reported a high bulk-billing rate for first half of the financial year, but the raw figures do not necessarily tell the whole story.
Fragmented approach to multimorbidity leaving patients further out of pocket New research that shows a fragmented approach to treating multimorbidity is resulting in greater out-of-pocket costs for patients is evidence of a need for a greater focus on preventive medicine, RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel told newsGP.
Accepting gifts: How much is too much? Would you accept bottles of wine every couple of months from a patient? A $200 gift voucher for a meal? An envelope containing $1000 in cash? A recent disciplinary hearing involving a GP considered all of these issues.
Dr Mrin Nayagam and stories of patient resilience in general practice Dr Mrin Nayagam’s lifelong bonds with many of her patients is evident in her recently published book.
Patient feedback a valuable tool in general practice The symbiosis between a positive patient experience and positive health outcomes is becoming increasingly clear.