‘Ground-breaking’ evaluation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander primary healthcare The evaluation will establish up to 20 location-based studies to collect information from various Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health services around the country.
New Quality Standards for Aged Care released The updated standards are part of reforms designed to improve the way aged care is delivered in Australia, but the RACGP’s Vice President is cautious about the impact they may have on the sector.
Minimising violence in the healthcare setting New data shows that GPs and other healthcare workers are high on the list of people who may experience occupational violence.
Preventable factors responsible for significant global health burden Risk factors for global burden diseases are responsible for 61% of deaths and 1.21 billion disability-adjusted life-years, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Closing the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander eye health Eye health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is on track to achieve equity with non-Indigenous Australians by 2020.
Private health service providers responsible for the most data breaches Findings from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner show private health providers are again responsible for the most data breaches of all sectors.
Owning a general practice: Striking the right balance Many GPs are managing the ins and outs of running a business, in addition to providing patient care.
Remoteness and its effect on GP access Patient access to general practice varies with remoteness and GP:patient ratios, according to the RACGP’s General Practice: Health of the Nation 2018.
Privacy and the National Cancer Screening Register The coming screening register raises some important questions regarding issues of patient privacy.
General practice billing: A snapshot Patient out-of-pocket costs and bulk-billing rates are increasing, but there is slow overall growth of GPs choosing to bulk-bill.