Australian GPs delivering quality in the face of high demand General practice remains the most commonly accessed healthcare service in Australia, with new statistics showing more than eight out of 10 people visited a GP in the last 12 months.
e-Patient Dave: Maximising the patient as a resource Dave deBronkart tells newsGP about his journey to becoming an advocate for empowered and engaged patients.
How to write effective referral letters – three useful examples Referral letters are a vital, if time-consuming, aspect of a GP’s life. A well-written referral can make all the difference when a patient visits a specialist, and show a level of care and expertise on the part of the referring clinician.
GP17: Foundation of patient-centred care GP17 is set to offer GPs from all over Australia what they most want at the annual RACGP conference
After-hours care not value for money The current structure of after-hours healthcare provision in Australia ‘supports the provision of comparatively low-value medical care and does not represent value for money for the taxpayer’, the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Review Taskforce has found in its final report.