Providing help that is needed but not wanted Dr Thileepan Naren’s choice to persevere with a patient during their recovery from opioid addiction led to triumphant outcomes.
New legislation grants access to substitute medicines amid shortage In the event a patient’s usual medicine is deemed to be in serious scarcity, pharmacists will now be able to supply a PBS-listed alternative.
A health policy blueprint for self-care The new paper outlines the role of self-care in effective preventive health and the system reforms needed to support improved models of care.
Entering aged care with new GP linked to medication increase In particular, people with dementia are likely to be prescribed more antipsychotics, benzodiazepines and antidepressants if they change their GP.
Should medicinal cannabis be used to treat chronic pain? According to pain specialist Associate Professor Michael Vagg, evidence is lacking.
Trial helps reduce ED opioid interventions for back pain While the research was based in emergency departments, its findings also provide insights into pain management in general practice.
GPs warned to prepare for back-to-school asthma spike The National Asthma Council has provided clinical tips for GPs to ensure paediatric patients are ready with an action plan in place.
Do antidepressants help for treatment of back pain and osteoarthritis? A study examining the efficacy and safety of this line of medicine compared with placebo indicates otherwise.
Pandemic challenging Australia’s medication supply chains COVID-19 has severely impacted global medicine supply chains, presenting the potential for ‘real patient harm’.
PSR receives $9M from practitioners in final quarter of 2020 The Professional Services Review has also published a Statement of Intent outlining its ‘vision’ and values.