In Practice: Self-care for GPs An upcoming webinar will discuss self-care strategies and explore the evidence-based benefits and nuances of mindfulness.
In Practice: Supporting cervical screening self-collection A new webinar will equip GPs to confidently guide patients on how to utilise Australia’s newest weapon in the fight against cervical cancer.
Massive growth in use of cervical self-collection screening Use of the screening option has at least doubled in each quarter since eligibility expanded, MBS statistics show.
‘Sobering’ statistics reveal childhood mental health trauma Emergency department presentations for intentional self-harming behaviours and eating disorders soared during the pandemic.
Melatonin shown to reduce some mental health disorders But experts are still cautioning against unregulated use of the treatment without a clinical assessment and prescription.
‘Deeply confronting’ findings show acute distress of AHPRA notifications The regulator has released study findings showing there were 16 suicides over four years among practitioners facing regulatory scrutiny.
Huge rise in cervical self-collection uptake But Dr Lara Roeske is still urging for stronger public health messages and support to help alleviate the extra onus placed on GPs.
Updated action plan for essential COPD management Dr Kerry Hancock gives an overview of the Lung Foundation’s updated COPD Action Plan to ensure best practice when self-managing exacerbations.
Adolescent repeat self-harm risks highlighted by study Analysis of NSW hospital presentations for self-harm underline the need for youth-specific early intervention, according to researchers.
Calls for stronger public health messages for cervical screening Despite Australia being on track to eliminate cervical cancer, knowledge gaps and barriers remain, particularly around self-collection.