Syphilis rates triple in 10 years amid STI spike Experts say it is ‘concerning’ to see infections on the rise despite a decrease in testing, and are urging patients to seek out their GP.
Common STIs surge among young people Australia has seen a post-pandemic rise in gonorrhoea and chlamydia infections, with people aged 15–29 making up the majority of cases.
‘We need to talk about the pandemic’: Professor Michael Kidd Australia’s former Deputy Chief Medical Officer, who stepped into the role as COVID unfolded, opened the last day of WONCA with a moving speech.
Government launches COVID-19 inquiry The RACGP will contribute to a review of the pandemic response, which will scrutinise how the crisis was handled and help prepare for future events.
Another COVID-19 booster for over-75s: ATAGI The new guidance was released at the same time as an announcement on the upcoming closure of the COVID-19 Vaccination Training Program.
Why pandemic planning must include antimicrobial resistance Removing antimicrobial resistance from the WHO’s ‘pandemic treaty’ will leave humanity vulnerable, writes Susan Rogers Van Katwyk.
RACGP President thanks outgoing DoH Secretary Professor Brendan Murphy, who led the Department of Health and Aged Care through the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, has announced his retirement.
Could bird flu start a human pandemic? As an outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza continues to spread in the US and worldwide, three virologists answer the most pressing questions.
Three years into the pandemic – what needs to happen next? It’s clear COVID won’t fix itself. Experts Professor Michael Toole and Professor Brendan Crabb outline what we need to focus on next.
Chance of early flu season in 2023 With the pandemic causing unpredictable changes in influenza patterns, the Northern Hemisphere may provide insight on the months ahead.