eLearning portal aims to help doctors, as well as patients A suite of online education modules designed to upskill GPs and assist them in the area of osteopathy has been released.
Helping GPs to discuss overweight, obesity and lifestyle changes LiveLighter aims to boost doctors’ confidence to start conversations with patients about managing their weight.
Localised disaster planning key to tackling ‘scary’ season ahead GPs and Primary Health Networks are bracing for a major natural disaster season, with fires likely to follow the drought.
Opioid pack changes ‘long overdue’, but more reform needed From 2020, opioid packages will be smaller and feature improved labels with clearer warnings and consumer information.
Convenience store push to sell medicines met with pharmacist resistance But should restrictions on pharmacy- and pharmacist-only medicine be reviewed?
Promoting public health online: Children’s medication NPS MedicineWise brings informed advice on children’s medication to where much of the discussion is taking place – social media.
TGA releases improved patient information Updates to the Consumer Medicines Information are aimed at improving patient understanding and safety of medicine use.
Silence and stigma: Living with chronic pain Chronic Pain Australia, a transvaginal mesh survivor and a GP discuss how to best manage the condition in National Pain Week.
Medication management and supply A new RACGP resource is designed to inform GPs and practice staff who already, or wish to, store and supply medicines directly to their patients.