Medical tour a chance for ‘catharsis’ after difficult 2020 Dr Matt Young is leading a seven-day medical study tour from Alice Springs to Darwin that will give GPs insight into NT healthcare.
Filling the ‘gaping hole’ in rural mental health services Third-year medical student Jasmine Elliot is drawn to rural generalism based on her own lived experience of mental health in the regions.
Closure of Katherine’s only general practice hits home for rural GPs Practice owner Dr Peter Spafford’s experience highlights Australia’s rural workforce challenges and their impact on local communities.
What keeps IMGs in rural areas after their 10-year moratorium? Some overseas-trained GPs move to major cities after their mandatory rural work, but others stay on and put down roots. What makes people stay?
As holidaymakers arrive, what does COVID mean for rural services? What have we learned about COVID’s impact on rural health – and how can we maintain effective healthcare as tourism ramps up?
Vision issues remain for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people But one ophthalmologist applauds the work of rural and remote GPs in reducing the rates of diabetic retinopathy through primary care measures.
RACGP welcomes fast-tracked IMG visas to tackle rural workforce issues Overseas-trained GPs will be able to expedite their visa applications as part of Australia’s COVID recovery efforts.
Rural generalism Hosts Dr Gill Singleton and Dr Billy Stoupas get to the heart of the rural general practice story and discuss the issues surrounding regional health in Australia.
Australia’s rural communities to benefit from $115m funding injection The extension of the Rural Health Outreach Fund promises to bring doctors and health professionals to patients in remote areas.
More junior doctors opting for rural generalism Applications for the RACGP’s Rural Generalist Pathway are on the rise.