Managing malaria in Australia Travel to tropical and sub-tropical locations – where malaria is endemic – is Australians’ main risk factor for contracting the disease.
Tools for helping patients make better lifestyle choices People are creatures of habit, and GPs have a key role to play helping patients tackle their harmful behaviours.
GPs vital in ongoing response to Australia’s natural disasters: RACGP President General practices in Victoria’s south-west, NSW’s south coast and Australia’s top end must be prepared to provide essential healthcare services following major natural disasters in recent days, RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel has told newsGP.
When disaster strikes: Involving GPs in disaster management planning GPs often play a limited role in healthcare planning processes for natural disasters, but Dr Penny Burns hopes her research will contribute to efforts to increase their voice.
Why telling people they could get sick in the future won't persuade them to be healthy now Everyone knows smoking, consuming too much sugar and drinking too much alcohol will harm our long-term health – but many of us do these things anyway. Why?
Unfounded and unscientific claims have no place in legitimate healthcare RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel expresses his dismay at news of the approval of the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s list of ‘permitted indications’.
Alarming health claims must not appear on complementary medicine: RACGP President Many of the items included on the Therapeutic Goods Administration’s list of ‘permitted indications’ make unfounded and unscientific claims that could lead to patient harms, RACGP President Dr Bastian Seidel writes for newsGP.
Survey reveals alcohol’s impact on emergency departments New data from the Australasian College for Emergency Medicine has revealed that up to 20% of patients in state and territory emergency departments are affected by alcohol.
Baby boomers and the modern day sexual revolution: Part 2 A research expert on addiction education and training is contacted by the managers of an aged care facility who, somewhat baffled, tell her, ‘We know people here are using cannabis. We can smell it.’