What exactly is a disease? Amid ongoing debate over whether obesity should be classified as a disease, two experts examine what a disease is – and who gets to decide.
Cancer and inflammatory disease medicines receive $56 million boost Four new medicines will be listed through the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, helping patients fight aggressive cancers and inflammatory conditions.
Are Australia’s GPs ready for social prescribing? The RACGP is exploring a potential collaboration with social running organisation parkrun – depending on GP interest.
Australian women receive sub-optimal heart care: Study New research has found women are less likely to be prescribed recommended medications.
‘This should not be the norm for our people’: Ending rheumatic heart disease in Australia Two experts in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health talk about the urgent need to tackle high rates of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in Australia.
Smoking triples risk of death from heart disease and stroke: Study Smoking is killing 17 Australians a day from stroke, heart attack, and other cardiovascular conditions, according to a large-scale Australian study.
Experts back calls for preventive action on chronic disease Australia’s tidal wave of chronic disease is growing, but GPs’ ability to deal with it is hamstrung by funding, experts say.
Study reinforces GP management of patients with chronic kidney disease Researchers have found a positive association between continuity of care and better blood pressure control in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Working towards improved health for men Men’s Health Week aims to raise more awareness of preventive health issues and promote early detection and management of disease among men and boys.
Burden of disease report: Impacts and causes of death Almost $120 billion of recurrent health expenditure was attributed to specific groups of diseases in 2015–16.