Policy responses to increasing workforce supply Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda wants to start a discussion to support planning around a future Australian medical training model.
Why does Australia no longer have a dedicated rural health minister? Peak health bodies have expressed concern over the lack of a dedicated rural health minister in the new-look Morrison ministry.
Financial incentives not effective in tackling rural GP shortages A new study has found non-financial factors to be more important when determining where to live and work.
New guidelines for telehealth consultations The updated RACGP resource is designed to help practices make use of MBS-supported video consultations.
Unique challenges and unique rewards: General practice in the NT Two GPs from the Northern Territory discuss the reasons behind shortages in their jurisdiction – and what they think might help to fix it.
Medical student body resistant to newly proposed program AMSA fears boosting student numbers in Queensland will not only fail to improve doctor ratios, but worsen pressures in training.
RACGP welcomes funding boost to fast-track rural generalism The Federal Government has announced $62 million in funding to accelerate the long-sought pathway.
RACGP to offer Rural Generalist Fellowship from next year The new program is part of a national push to ensure rural and remote Australia has enough highly trained GPs.
High rates of drug and alcohol abuse in rural areas: Report Australians in rural and remote areas are more likely to access drug treatments, despite often having to travel more than an hour to receive them.
New GP visa program a stop-gap solution Chair of RACGP Rural Associate Professor Ayman Shenouda has described the Federal Government’s Visas for GPs initiative as only a short-term solution to the wider problem of GP maldistribution.