Can eating too many eggs lead to heart disease? The short answer is yes, according to a new US study; however, experts have warned against interpreting the results too simplistically.
Cheaper treatments for cancer, Parkinson’s and motor neurone patients Changes to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme will see some patients saving up to $300,000 per year.
Unhealthy lifestyles placing burden on our health system New research shows that a significant proportion of non-communicable disease, disability and death in Australia is due to poor lifestyle choices.
Millions given to end rheumatic heart disease Around $35 million has been earmarked to combat the illness, which kills up to 150 young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples a year.
Millions in funding for national action plan for lung conditions The funding came on the same day a Queensland audit identified nearly 100 stonemasons with the potentially fatal lung disease silicosis.
Melioidosis: A deadly infection that can spread after floods What GPs need to know in the wake of recent disasters.
Worth the weight Dr Hester Wilson writes on how gentle questions over the long term can help patients with chronic disease make changes.
Statins safe to prescribe in people over 75 years of age New research has revealed statin therapy can safely and effectively reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events in people over 75 years of age.
Socioeconomic factors contribute to growing health disparities A report from the AIHW highlights that social and environmental factors significantly contribute to morbidity and mortality rates.
Working towards a cure for Parkinson’s The Government is making a major investment to improve quality of life for people with Parkinson’s disease – and ultimately find a cure.