Paediatricians back greater GP role in ADHD care Regulatory consistency and supporting GPs to take on a larger portion of care would ease pressure on the system, a Senate Inquiry has been told.
Emotional problems may be ADHD’s missing link The condition comes with self-control problems that affect the ability to regulate emotions, write Barbara Sahakian and Christelle Langley.
GPs well placed to help tackle ADHD ‘postcode lottery’: RACGP General practice should have an expanded role in supporting patients, the college has told a Senate Inquiry.
Paediatric psychotropic dispensing doubles in less than 10 years New research shows use of the medications has soared since 2013, but there ‘may be more to it than first meets the eye’.
Call for more GP training to deal with ADHD A move towards accrediting GPs to treat ADHD could help address the rising number of presentations, GPs believe.
Senate probe into ADHD under way The inquiry is considering diagnosis and support for people with ADHD, with most GPs reporting a large increase in referral requests.
GP resources to support neurodiversity care An RACGP representative has said expanded resources will help raise greater awareness among GPs about neurodiverse conditions.
ADHD guidelines The Good GP interviews Professor Mark Bellgrove, author of the new Australian evidence-based clinical practice guideline for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Is the soaring use of ADHD stimulants a cause for concern? Prescriptions for some medications have increased by nearly 4450% in just two years, but experts are divided on whether this signifies long-due relief for patients or a potential for harm.
New Australian ADHD guidelines released The guidelines outline recommendations for diagnosis, support and treatment including medications and non-pharmacological options.