Identifying serious eye conditions via telehealth Patients with a red eye do not necessarily need an examination to rule out an ophthalmic emergency, an expert explains.
Breaking the cycle of shame and blame for obesity To mark World Obesity Day, Dr Georgia Rigas is calling to shift the focus from ‘loss of weight to gain in health’.
Updated resource for non-drug interventions The HANDI site remains a valuable resource for evidence-based non-pharmacological interventions for common conditions in general practice.
Medically unexplained symptoms and the ‘swamp’ of general practice Associate Professor Louise Stone examines an especially uncertain aspect of healthcare.
Q&A: Building a better workplace for registrars What can be done to help create a positive environment for general practice registrars? An expert shares his thoughts.
Paruresis and parcopresis: How GPs can help These intense fears focused on a daily human function can seriously impact people’s lives – but GPs can help.
A ‘vicious cycle’: The relationship between disability and chronic conditions Two GPs talk to newsGP about managing the link between disability and chronic conditions after a new AIHW report.
More than just birthmarks: Living with neurofibromatosis While neurofibromatosis is not uncommon, it is also not widely known about or understood. Dr Caroline Phegan has two children with the condition, and wants to raise awareness among her fellow GPs.
Chronic conditions are driven by social factors outside a doctor’s control: GP A prominent GP has called for attention to poverty and low-paid work as a key driver of chronic health conditions.
Australians are living longer, but becoming more overweight Fewer Australians are smoking or putting themselves at risk from long-term alcohol use, but an ageing population means the country is now experiencing higher rates of chronic and age-related conditions.