Using virtual reality to reduce procedural pain in general practice Routine immunisations are a common reason children experience pain and distress as a result of interacting with a healthcare provider.
AKT exam 2020.1: Tips for candidates to improve outcomes The bi-annual Applied Knowledge Test public exam report outlines details about the recent exam and highlights areas in which the cohort could improve.
Identifying health impacts following a road traffic accident Dr Sean Black-Tiong’s research examines what he found to be a gap in primary care.
RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health milestone After a decade of hard work, key leaders reflect on the creation of RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health.
RACGP President calls for national pandemic plan Mixed messaging, inconsistent advice and communication breakdowns have marred the response to the coronavirus.
Roadmap to support smoking cessation during pregnancy Adopting culturally appropriate care helps to create smoking cessation support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women during pregnancy.
Bushfire disaster: How GPs can help An unprecedented start to the bushfire season has pushed emergency services, communities and volunteers to breaking point.
‘Relax. Be yourself. Be present’: Tips for sitting your FRACGP Dr Jordan Young, a recipient of the Monty Kent-Hughes Memorial Medal, offers some advice for candidates sitting the RACGP Fellowship exams.
OSCE report: Tips for candidates to improve outcomes The RACGP has released its second Objective Structured Clinical Examination report for 2019.
Emergency department presentations increase But millions of non-urgent and semi-urgent issues could be handled in general practice, according to the RACGP.