Pharmacists’ codeine fears overstated, GP says While pharmacists have raised concerns about a shortage of low-dose codeine, Dr Evan Ackermann, a GP with a special interest in drugs of dependence, says the evidence supports up-scheduling.
New asthma resources to help address incorrect inhaler use Nine out of 10 people with asthma or COPD are not using their inhalers correctly. What can GPs do to help?
Prof Max Kamien appointed President of the Western Australian Medical Museum A prestigious career in general practice and a lifelong interest in medical history has contributed to Professor Kamien’s selection as President.
WA Budget: Seemingly little for GPs – but plenty for hospitals Western Australia’s state budget has money for hospitals, but very little that will affect GPs.
Government ignores recommendations from pharmacy review The RACGP is disappointed at the ‘squandered opportunity’ for the Federal Government to make necessary reforms to the pharmacy sector.
New ‘stage of diagnosis’ data from Cancer Australia offers valuable insights for GPs New data released by Cancer Australia on stage of diagnosis for the nation’s five most prevalent cancers highlights challenges and strategies for management in general practice.
Primary care street services vital in filling health gaps for marginalised patients A study to measure multimorbidity among patients of a street-based general practice clinic in WA reveals the value of these services to marginalised populations.
Pointing the way towards better support of veterans’ mental health The Federal Government has released research that provides a blueprint for better provision of services to ex-serving military personnel returning to civilian life.
Calls for greater awareness of context in guidelines for doctor–patient boundaries The RACGP wants more clarity in the Medical Board of Australia’s proposed new guidelines on personal doctor–patient relationships.
GP questions study claiming pharmacists in practices lead to better outcomes Prominent healthcare quality expert Dr Evan Ackermann has told newsGP there are issues with a study suggesting placing pharmacists in general practices leads to a reduction in drug-related problems.