Why the Queensland mandatory reporting laws must be changed RACGP Queensland Chair Dr Bruce Willett writes about the need for doctors to safely seek the help they need.
GPs on frontline of drug dependency in rural and remote areas Australia’s country GPs are often the first – and only – healthcare contact for people struggling with addiction in rural areas.
Teens’ privacy to be protected by MHR amendment The Federal Government has listened to the RACGP’s concerns about teen privacy and My Health Record, eHealth expert Dr Nathan Pinskier tells newsGP.
Finding your tribe as a GP and academic How one GP found her way to academic research – and why she loves it.
RACGP updates its Constitution The RACGP’s recent Annual General Meeting saw a number of changes to the college’s Constitution.
Committee recommends better teen privacy for MHR following calls by RACGP The Senate committee investigating My Health Record has recommended greater privacy protection for teenagers aged between 14 and 17.
Dr Bastian Seidel bids farewell to RACGP members Immediate Past President Dr Bastian Seidel penned a letter for RACGP members.
RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health: Student Bursary Award Kayla Ramires sees her award as an achievement symbolic of her future in general practice.