Children’s version of COVID vaccination calculator released While vaccine coverage for 5–11-year-olds remains low, the updated CoRiCal tool could help boost uptake among the cohort.
Updating COVID-19 vaccines ‘on the agenda’, but not sustainable Many Australians were recently recommended a fifth dose – but vaccination fatigue has researchers looking for longer term solutions.
What do bivalent vaccines mean for Australia’s rollout? The first doses of Moderna’s variant-specific COVID vaccine became available this week, offering a slight advantage over previous versions.
TGA approves second COVID-19 vaccine for youngest children The Pfizer vaccine is now approved for use in children aged six months to five years, with Moderna already available to the age group.
Independent review into COVID vaccine procurement released Eight recommendations have been handed down, with the next two years identified as ‘critical’ to Australia’s recovery.
Vaccine rollout ‘relied on GP goodwill’: Study General practices involved in Australia’s COVID-19 vaccination program struggled to make ends meet, researchers say.
Vaccine rollout lessons put on hold An Audit Office report contains criticisms of planning and communication but offers few concrete suggestions for improvement.
Study flags knowledge gaps for shingles vaccine Research suggests that misconceptions remain about the shingles vaccine in use for the Government vaccination program for people over 70.
‘Breakthrough moment’: Monkeypox vaccine secured The Federal Government has procured 450,000 doses of the MPX vaccine, with the first shipments due to arrive shortly.
ATAGI approves Moderna vaccine for at-risk young children Parents are advised not to contact vaccine providers until bookings open, following decision to approve vaccination for the youngest cohort.