Superbug warning as states look at expanding pharmacy Suggestions the Queensland Government exposed the community to a major health risk follow revelations that WA may increase pharmacy scope of practice.
WA Budget: More room for health expenditure The State Government has delivered a boost for public health, particularly the areas of in mental health and palliative care.
GPs call for redirection of $28 million for urgent care centres Funding for four new urgent care centres in Western Australia is under the spotlight over concerns around fairness and fragmentation of care.
Community-led solutions vital in addressing youth suicide Politicians have responded to a coronial inquest into suicides of 13 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander youths in WA over a four-year period.
GP obstetricians increasingly shut out of hospitals GP obstetrician Dr Nooshin Rasool will no longer be able to deliver her patients’ babies in hospital – and she is not alone.
Suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may be higher than reported We may be underestimating the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have committed suicide because the data doesn't include people whose Indigenous status is uncertain, according to Australian experts.
Prof Max Kamien appointed President of the Western Australian Medical Museum A prestigious career in general practice and a lifelong interest in medical history has contributed to Professor Kamien’s selection as President.
WA Budget: Seemingly little for GPs – but plenty for hospitals Western Australia’s state budget has money for hospitals, but very little that will affect GPs.
Primary care street services vital in filling health gaps for marginalised patients A study to measure multimorbidity among patients of a street-based general practice clinic in WA reveals the value of these services to marginalised populations.
A GP in Kununurra: Dr Catherine Engelke Dr Catherine Engelke talks to newsGP about life as a GP in Western Australia’s remote north.