‘Expansive’ perinatal mental health care guidance released Clinical practice guidelines have been revised to ensure new and expecting parents receive appropriate care and regular screening.
‘A rich opportunity’: WONCA’s first day clinical highlights Conference Committee Chair Professor Mark Morgan shares some of his top picks of sessions to attend on the first day.
Cervical screening stalls, height data rises: PIP QI data An updated snapshot of general practices has illustrated the shifts in 10 key quality improvement measures – but how useful is it?
Pharmacy prescribing trial protocol made public After months of speculation the NSW pharmacy prescribing trial protocol for uncomplicated UTIs has been registered on the ANZCTR.
Rewards program tied to bulk billing triggers patient data concern A major medical chain is asking patients to choose between subsidised healthcare and privacy, a Choice investigation has alleged.
Pathology merger would make sub-leasing untenable: GP Alliance General practice owners say the takeover – under review by the ACCC – would leave a ‘hole’ in the finances of many clinics.
Precision oncology launches across Australia More than 23,000 people with incurable cancers are set to benefit from an initiative to fund genetic testing and identify targeted treatments.
‘A powerful tool’: Practices urged to take part in patient study The survey is designed to help practices understand and compare the management of patients with chronic conditions, both at home and abroad.
New CVD guideline and risk calculator expected to help millions An Australian-specific calculator is a key feature of the toolkit refresh, which targets conditions responsible for one in four deaths each year.
‘Strong concerns’: ACCC queries pathology merger bid The regulator has said a proposed takeover of Healius by ACL, a move opposed by the RACGP, could have an adverse effect on patients.