Inspiring Tasmanian GP expands female-led clinic Dr Mary Lumsden longed for a workplace that worked for her, so she made one herself, and now her practice is going from strength to strength.
ED visits soaring amid GP shortages New data reveals the NSW health system is under ‘unprecedented pressure’ but GP accessibility is key to relieving that burden.
Female doctor suicide risk 76% higher than general population Research revealed physician suicides are down overall but female doctors are still dying at a much higher rate, leading to calls for greater support.
New incentives encouraging GPs to explore Australia GP in training Dr Lena Rennick says moving was like ‘going on an adventure’ and is calling on others to make the most of new placement grants.
Female IMGs creating crucial support networks It can be an isolating life working rurally, especially for GPs born overseas, but it is hoped an online meet-up will create new connections.
‘Interesting, challenging, rewarding’: Remote GP’s winning streak Winning an RACGP award helped promote the preventive healthcare the rural generalist provides to his remote community.
In Practice: Award nominations extended The RACGP has extended nomination deadlines for its 2024 state, national, rural, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health awards.
Chance to honour outstanding rural healthcare Nominations for individuals or teams ‘doing something remarkable’ in the rural and remote healthcare space are underway.
FNQ absorbed into ‘truly national’ GP training program The RACGP has taken on more than 200 additional general practice registrars following JCU’s decision to step away from GP training.
GPs in training urged to speak up on future of profession Time is running out for Australia’s next generation of GPs to shape college advocacy by taking part in the Health of the Nation survey.