RACGP 2018 Presidential Forum: ‘General practice needs a unified voice’ The RACGP 2018 Presidential Forum gave members an opportunity to get to know their candidates and learn more about their election platforms.
RACGP election candidates announced The candidates for the next terms of the RACGP President and Registrar Representative on RACGP Council have been announced.
eHealth Forum: Secure messaging and interoperability General practice is moving closer to saying goodbye to the fax and hello to secure messaging, GPs learnt at the RACGP Expert Committee – eHealth and Practice Systems’ (REC–eHPS) third annual eHealth Forum.
eHealth Forum: Technology and modern general practice The RACGP Expert Committee – eHealth and Practice Systems’ (REC–eHPS) third annual eHealth Forum will be held tomorrow, Thursday 23 November, at RACGP House in East Melbourne.