Mental health care and the tyranny of distance People outside metropolitan cities face higher rates of suicide, worse mental health, and greater barriers to care, new research suggests.
New training pilot could boost rural GP numbers GPs in training will soon have more opportunities to be placed in rural locations, thanks to the support of remote supervisors.
The health model that offers ‘home away from home’ dialysis care A unique model of care is provided by an Aboriginal-led community health hub – one of the stops on an upcoming Northern Territory medical tour.
More evidence points to benefit of rural training New research has linked the amount of training time spent outside major cities with better odds of GPs working in rural and remote areas.
The stories behind royal recognition for rural GPs Three GPs recognised for their contribution to medicine speak about their passion for their communities and rural primary care.
‘First meaningful commitment’: Coalition outlines rural health measures A suite of new commitments follows college advocacy to attract more doctors to remote areas – but will it be enough to keep them there?
In Practice: Rural training grants for GPs Eligible GPs can upskill in procedural and emergency medicine skills through the Rural Procedural Grants Program.
Become A GP: RACGP launches campaign to boost GP workforce The new campaign aims to inspire medical students and junior doctors to specialise in general practice.
In Practice: telehealth and billing updates The new year will bring a number of changes to telehealth and MBS billing for GPs to be aware of.
Why some towns can attract GPs while others go without Part of the transition to college-led training is addressing workforce needs across the country, but GPs say more support is needed to attract doctors.