‘Strong case’ for more preventive funding in Australia: Study Analysis of life expectancy and disease burden in The Lancet also suggests Australia compares poorly to similar OECD countries for mental health.
GP spearheads indefinite energy drink ban for kids A regional WA GP is at the centre of a campaign to ban the sale of energy drinks to young people, with her hometown leading the way.
GPs target digital solutions to enhance the patient experience SPONSORED: CommBank’s latest GP Insights report shows that most practices expect to lift their investment in technology.
Future asthma risk flagged for babies with food allergy Even if the allergy is outgrown, poorer lung function outcomes are more likely by six years of age, a world-first study finds.
Plea for urgent youth mental health overhaul Doctors say not enough help is being given to GPs doing the heavy lifting within an ‘overwhelmed’ and ‘inadequate’ system.
‘As GPs, we can only try to give hope’ The unexpected death of a patient prompts Dr Andrew Leech to reflect on a mental health care system that has stretched beyond capacity.
Rural Australians absent from bowel cancer screening Bowel cancer screening is failing to reach Australia’s regional communities, according to a new study.
Funding boost for rural GP training welcomed Around 340 doctors will be funded to go on rural placements run through the John Flynn Prevocational Doctor Program.
Call to get ‘ducks in a row’ for MS-2 Step changes With medical abortion prescribing set to expand significantly next month, there are evolving concerns when it comes to ensuring patient safety.
New CVD guideline and risk calculator expected to help millions An Australian-specific calculator is a key feature of the toolkit refresh, which targets conditions responsible for one in four deaths each year.