In Practice: Award nominations extended The RACGP has extended nomination deadlines for its 2024 state, national, rural, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health awards.
Chance to honour outstanding rural healthcare Nominations for individuals or teams ‘doing something remarkable’ in the rural and remote healthcare space are underway.
FNQ absorbed into ‘truly national’ GP training program The RACGP has taken on more than 200 additional general practice registrars following JCU’s decision to step away from GP training.
GPs in training urged to speak up on future of profession Time is running out for Australia’s next generation of GPs to shape college advocacy by taking part in the Health of the Nation survey.
New initiative provides rural doctors with their own GP The GPs4RuralDocs program means that health workers in remote Queensland will no longer need to travel to see their own GP.
EOIs for education research grants now open The RACGP program provides substantial grants annually to fuel innovative research initiatives in general practice training.
‘Huge hive of clever minds’ driving GP training Tasmanian medical educators discuss collaboration and supporting registrars since the transition to college-led training.
GP training numbers up but politicians told more is needed Day two of the GPs @ Parliament campaign focused on workforce shortages, with doctors demanding the Government fix the profession’s ‘second-rate entitlements’.
The medical educators ensuring equal opportunities for IMGs The Fellowship Support Program has ‘grown enormously’ in the past year, and could expand further should it receive Government support.
Raising the prestige of general practice: A student’s perspective The culture that exists within medical student placements needs to shift if the GP workforce is to improve, writes hospital intern, Dr Phoebe Blaxill.