Can medicine repurposing help GPs? Quality care experts say GPs should consider a new TGA program looking to expand prescribing criteria and medicine access, but there are caveats.
RACGP pushes workforce solutions at national roundtable Fifty peak medical bodies have convened in Canberra to identify the health system’s pressure points and highlight areas for change.
Antidepressant withdrawal: The hidden danger New benchmark guidelines highlight the dangers of antidepressant withdrawal and support GPs in safe deprescribing.
New GP resource aims to help asthma patients’ sleep The document advises doctors not to ‘accept nocturnal asthma symptoms as normal’, offering instruction for treating sleep disturbances.
In Practice: Updates to allied health MBS items Referral changes to MBS items for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients accessing allied health services are now in place.
TGA launches medicine shortage investigation GPs are being urged to have their say as part of the inquiry, which aims to ‘better prevent, manage, and communicate shortages’.
In Practice: Self-care for GPs An upcoming webinar will discuss self-care strategies and explore the evidence-based benefits and nuances of mindfulness.
TGA moves to address fluoxetine shortage A temporary gap in availability has been addressed by listing an overseas alternative on the PBS.
In Practice: Defect alert for insulin brands The TGA has issued an urgent product defect alert for glass cartridge insulin products on behalf of the manufacturer, Novo Nordisk.
Palliative care bodies sound the alarm on opioid supply crisis A growing list of opioid medications are being discontinued in Australia, with morphine liquid supplies near depletion.