Pulse check: How GPs feel about MBS reform While there is universal agreement that Medicare needs to change, many remain wary about what this will look like in practice.
College responds to Medicare integrity report The RACGP President hopes the review will be a spur to simplify a ‘fiendishly complex’ system.
How collaboration can help counteract vaccine fatigue A program aimed at boosting COVID vaccination among vulnerable populations highlights the role of GP-led teams, writes Dr Ken McCroary.
‘Immeasurable loss’: Confirmed closure of 60 practices in four years Underfunding and workforce shortages have seen scores of general practices close since the pandemic. Vulnerable patients are likely to suffer most.
In Practice: Pathways to the Rural Generalist Fellowship There are several options to obtain RG Fellowship – including for junior doctors training on the Australian General Practice Training Program.
Can a magnesium-rich diet reduce dementia risk? New research suggests there is an association between increased magnesium consumption and healthier brain ageing, with women benefitting the most.
Pharmacy reform could save more than $800m annually Allowing patients two months’ supply of some medications would halve dispensing fees, the RACGP has said.
‘Community health is desperate for support’: GP’s plea to policymakers For more than two decades Dr Kate Walker has been treating society’s most vulnerable. She says the situation has never been more challenging.
How a GP’s questions changed this 15-year-old’s life Charlotte suffered from debilitating periods. But it wasn’t until her doctor started putting the dots together that everything started to make sense.
Government expands GP-led endometriosis clinic plan There are now plans for 20 clinics based around the country which will target endometriosis and pelvic pain.