Australia’s mental health crisis a ‘sad, sad situation’ For the eighth year in a row, mental health is in the top reasons for patients visiting a GP, according to the 2024 Health of the Nation report.
‘Visionary’ review suggests quicker approval of new medicines New subsidised medication approvals would be streamlined and access made easier for vulnerable populations, under a new health technology plan.
‘Overhaul My Health Record’: Health of the Nation preview One third of GPs have rarely or never used My Health Record, according to the first findings to be released from the new 2024 RACGP report.
Further expansion of NIP shingles vaccines GPs can now offer their immunocompromised patients over 18 years old a subsidised shingles vaccine, but the expansion has raised questions about supply.
In Practice: Consultation on registration and accreditation scheme The RACGP is seeking member feedback on the processes underpinning complaints or notifications about registered health practitioners.
RACGP backs ban on genetic test results use in life insurance The Federal Government will outlaw the use of results in life insurance underwriting so patients can get tested without fear of financial insecurity.
Promising new treatment for incurable prostate cancer Groundbreaking Australian research has unveiled a promising new treatment for patients with aggressive and therapy-resistant cancer.
GPs alongside oncologists key for melanoma outcomes The latest AJGP shines a light on new drugs, and GPs’ central role in collaborating with oncologists as part of multidisciplinary teams.
False positive breast screens may discourage further testing Research has shown that women who receive false positive results after breast screening are less likely to go back for further testing.
Helping women ‘take ownership of their own healthcare’ Women’s Health Week 2024 centres around ‘Your voice. Your choice’, but for regional patients, that choice can be harder to access.