Traditional and ‘rainbow’ parenting similar: Study Research shows most family outcomes are similar regardless of the sexual orientation and gender identity of the parents.
College calls on Health Minister to intervene in compliance campaign Mark Butler has been asked to step in after ‘problematic’ letters were sent to almost 600 GPs.
LGBTQIA+ youth more likely to seek mental support But a headspace study of 12–25-year-olds shows they are less likely to ask for help from family or friends.
‘Asbestos of the 2020s’: Calls to fast-track silica ban Until action is taken, Dr Kerry Hancock says GPs can expect to see more patients at risk of silicosis.
‘A fundamental issue’: RACGP calls for changes to reproductive healthcare At a Senate Inquiry, Dr Nicole Higgins and Professor Danielle Mazza will be pushing for greater support for GP training to build workforce capability.
Health Minister pushed for more detail on proposed general practice reforms RACGP President Dr Nicole Higgins has written to Mark Butler calling for decisive government action and investment in patient care.
Support for proposed expansion of drug diversion program The Queensland Government has introduced legislation that would see people receive a warning for first time minor drug possession.
An unsettling case: The impact of a drawn-out audit on the vulnerable Is a ‘rigid, inflexible’ compliance approach experienced by GPs treating some of society’s most at-risk patients damaging health equity?
RACGP to help lead mental health reform President Dr Nicole Higgins will be attending a special workshop alongside Ministers Mark Butler and Emma McBride to propose solutions involving general practice.
RACGP backs NACCHO’s pharmacy concerns Both organisations warn that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s care will be compromised by pharmacist prescribers.