Study questions whether headspace represents value for money Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent on the youth mental health service, but a new paper argues the funding may be better directed elsewhere.
NPS MedicineWise to ‘cease operations’ at the end of 2022 The confirmation comes after a Federal Government decision to proceed with a plan to cut the organisation’s funding.
All-inclusive sleep health resources to assist GPs New living guidelines for primary care aim to provide GPs with stepwise management options to help patients with common sleep disorders.
Choice, empowerment, and commitment: Women’s health To mark Women’s Health Week, RACGP staff attended a webinar covering three topical issues in the area of women’s health.
Committee to provide support and connection for rural female GPs The gender-inclusive Doctors for Women in Rural Medicine Committee is also hosting a webinar series to mark Women’s Health Week.
Why connection matters: GP’s backing for mental health program Dr Owen Harris, a GP in inner Melbourne, has a very personal reason for supporting SANE’s new guided mental health service.
Cervical screening self-collection off to slow start More work is needed to encourage eligible patients to participate, the results of a newsGP weekly poll suggest.
Does Medicare discriminate against women? Five GPs reflect on being a woman in medicine and the ‘sad reality’ of a system that rewards speed over holistic, comprehensive care.
Paediatricians float solutions for deteriorating access problems Do solutions for the growing issue lie in integrated GP–paediatrician models and a new Medicare item number?
Major update to immigration detention healthcare standards The new standards offer a template for accredited quality care and risk-management in Australian immigration detention facilities.