Difficulties in healthcare access for people with disability An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report released earlier this week shines a light on the difficulties Australians with disability can face in accessing healthcare.
RACGP calls for removal of general practitioner from strategic skills list The RACGP has made a submission to the Department of Employment and various health ministers as part of its advocacy efforts for the removal of ‘general practitioner’ from the Medium and Long Term Strategic Skills List.
What GPs need to know about the renewed National Cervical Screening Program Dr Lara Roeske, GP and cervical cancer screening expert, writes for newsGP about the coming changes to the renewed National Cervical Screening Program.
What does the MBA’s Professional Performance Framework mean for continuing professional development? The Medical Board of Australia (MBA) has announced a new performance framework designed to ensure doctors across the country provide patients with safe and competent care.
New site collates cancer data from across Australia Cancer Australia’s new interactive website is designed to provide healthcare professionals and patients with ‘national data across the continuum of cancer control’.
Medical students and the issue of suicide Australia’s medical student community is experiencing a suicide problem, the President of the Australian Medical Students Association (AMSA) told newsGP.
RACGP and NACCHO promote updated guide to preventive health assessments RACGP Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health was on hand yesterday at the NACCHO (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) Annual Conference and AGM in Canberra to reinforce the partnership between the two organisations.