Minimising violence in the healthcare setting New data shows that GPs and other healthcare workers are high on the list of people who may experience occupational violence.
Preventable factors responsible for significant global health burden Risk factors for global burden diseases are responsible for 61% of deaths and 1.21 billion disability-adjusted life-years, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017.
Closing the gap in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander eye health Eye health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is on track to achieve equity with non-Indigenous Australians by 2020.
Private health service providers responsible for the most data breaches Findings from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner show private health providers are again responsible for the most data breaches of all sectors.
New guides reshaping lung cancer care Two new Cancer Australia guides aim at driving better outcomes for people diagnosed with Australia’s deadliest cancer.
Surgical termination of pregnancy to commence in Tasmania The Department of Health has announced a new clinic to provide low-cost surgical termination of pregnancy.
Talking sexual health with older patients Dr Sue Malta and her research team want to promote more positive social perceptions of older people’s sexuality, in general practice and beyond.
RACGP deeply disappointed over lack of change to mandatory reporting laws Australia’s state and federal governments have ignored RACGP calls for changes to proposed new mandatory reporting laws.
Owning a general practice: Striking the right balance Many GPs are managing the ins and outs of running a business, in addition to providing patient care.
GP questions usefulness of NSW ice inquiry The NSW Government has announced a Special Commission of Inquiry into the use of ice, but Dr Hester Wilson has doubts about its impact.