RACGP backs ban on genetic test results use in life insurance The Federal Government will outlaw the use of results in life insurance underwriting so patients can get tested without fear of financial insecurity.
Promising new treatment for incurable prostate cancer Groundbreaking Australian research has unveiled a promising new treatment for patients with aggressive and therapy-resistant cancer.
GPs alongside oncologists key for melanoma outcomes The latest AJGP shines a light on new drugs, and GPs’ central role in collaborating with oncologists as part of multidisciplinary teams.
False positive breast screens may discourage further testing Research has shown that women who receive false positive results after breast screening are less likely to go back for further testing.
Helping women ‘take ownership of their own healthcare’ Women’s Health Week 2024 centres around ‘Your voice. Your choice’, but for regional patients, that choice can be harder to access.
Mammogram participation ups screening rates for other cancers: Study A simple prompt reminding women to utilise cancer screening programs could be enough to boost participation rates, researchers say.
Sweeping NDIS changes on the way The RACGP welcomed the bill passing through the Parliament but stressed that its new assessment process has not been finalised.
224 new GP Fellows for NSW The Fellows will now embark on the next stage of their career, with the RACGP President saying they are needed ‘more than ever’.
Aged Care Royal Commission progress ‘disappointing’ A report says not enough has changed to improve residents’ chances of having their healthcare needs met.
Australian men have highest cancer rates: Study Research has found Australia tops the world for the prevalence of cancer in men, leading GPs to question what that says about our health system.