ISQua accredits RACGP Standards for general practices The fifth edition of the RACGP Standards for general practices (the Standards) has been awarded accreditation by the International Society for Quality and Safety in Health Care.
Managing anxiety and depression in older patients Issues of depression and anxiety are often overlooked in older patients, but these conditions can be just as important to monitor as physical health.
Maintaining work–life balance in general practice Achieving stability between work and other areas of life is never easy for GPs.
Doubts remain over funding for Health Care Homes trial The Federal Government’s Health Care Homes trial continues despite GP concerns that its funding is inadequate for treating complex chronic disease.
Increasing numbers of Australians accessing homelessness services The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found one in 84 Australians accessed homelessness services in 2016–17.
RACGP to address Tasmania’s acute care inquiry RACGP Tasmania is calling for increased government support for general practice to ensure the state’s patients have access to the best possible healthcare.
Heavy menstrual bleeding: Understanding the options Hayley Harrison served as a consumer advocate for the Australian Commission of Safety and Quality in Health Care on the ‘Heavy menstrual bleeding clinical standard’, bringing her lived experience of the condition to the working group.
Difficulties in healthcare access for people with disability An Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report released earlier this week shines a light on the difficulties Australians with disability can face in accessing healthcare.
80% of Australians have a regular GP: The importance of continuity of care Long considered a core component of general practice, continuity of care is becoming increasingly complex in the world of modern general practice.
Shining a light on perinatal depression and anxiety The statistics on late maternal mortality in Australia are stark.