GPs critical of ‘intimidating, unpleasant’ warning letter over opioid prescribing One in five of Australia’s GPs has – or will shortly – received a warning letter over their level of opioid prescribing. Many are not happy.
Education portal designed to provide latest melanoma diagnoses and treatments Melanoma Institute Australia has launched a free e-learning portal to educate healthcare professionals about the latest advances in melanoma diagnosis and treatment to ensure best practice and equity of care for melanoma patients around the country.
Australians are living longer, but becoming more overweight Fewer Australians are smoking or putting themselves at risk from long-term alcohol use, but an ageing population means the country is now experiencing higher rates of chronic and age-related conditions.
Families fall through gaps in ice research Researchers are calling for more study into how methamphetamine addiction affects users and the role families play in the treatment.
GPs can help reduce cancer rates in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population A Menzies researcher is calling on the World Health Organization and governments to prioritise improvements in cancer control for Indigenous people globally.
Suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people may be higher than reported We may be underestimating the number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who have committed suicide because the data doesn't include people whose Indigenous status is uncertain, according to Australian experts.
Help parents search Dr Google about their child’s health, researcher urges doctors Most parents search for medical information about their child’s health online, but only around half find out if an information source is reliable, according to an Australian researcher.
General practice achievements acknowledged in Queen’s Birthday Honours List GPs from around the country were well represented in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours List.
RACGP setting the example for standards of general practice An international journal has recognised the RACGP’s process of setting professional standards for general practice.
Government to warn almost 5000 GPs over high rates of opioid prescribing RACGP flags concerns over campaign to reduce opioid overuse.