COVID rate at least double official figures: Antibody study At least 17% of Australians may have contracted COVID-19 during the first Omicron wave, new research suggests – and the true figure could be even higher.
In Practice: Diabetes medication shortage Strong demand for semaglutide has prompted the TGA to ask that GPs exercise care regarding off-label prescription of the medication.
Important changes to family violence information sharing The RACGP has updated its White Book in response to new requirements regarding the way information is shared across services and organisations.
GPs in training: Opportunity to lead in clinical research Applications for the 2023 AGPT Academic Post Program will open from 2 May, with the position offering an insight into life as an academic GP.
In Practice: GP22 submissions The college will host its annual conference in November, and is calling for contributions from the general practice community.
Appointment recognises a ‘great advocate for general practice’ RACGP President Karen Price has been honoured with a new title for her leadership and advocacy in the discipline of general practice.
Foundation grants a ‘critical support’ for GP researchers Applications for the 2022 RACGP Foundation Grants and Awards open 1 March.
‘An unnavigable mess’: GPs ill-equipped to manage Medicare compliance, research finds The first qualitative study to examine practitioners’ billing experiences in Australia points to the need for urgent structural reforms.
RACGP and GP Synergy confirm strategic partnership Constitutional changes voted on by GP Synergy’s membership will help to strengthen the future of GP education and training in NSW and the ACT.
Be an agent of progress rather than a victim of change Associate Professor Chris Hogan offers some advice for medical students considering a career in general practice ahead of their final year.