Queensland receives rural workforce boost More than 100 new rural registrars are expected to help with GP shortages across the state under specialised training.
Rural Advanced Skills payment now open GPs working outside of Australia’s major cities can earn up to $21,000 extra per year, thanks to a new Federal Government incentive program.
‘I never thought I’d be standing here, let alone be a doctor’ Some wondered why Arrernte man, Dr Corey Dalton, wanted to study medicine later in life – but the RACGP’s GP in training of the year has no regrets.
College-led training proves successful It has been less than one year since the RACGP resumed responsibility of GP training, but students are already reporting improvements in learning.
New Board member inspired by ‘unique position’ Pay, leave and wellbeing are front of mind for the RACGP’s newly appointed Chair of GPs in Training.
‘We’re the solution’: GPs take workforce woes to Canberra Red, blue, green, and teal – MPs from across the political divide have met at Parliament House for the Friends of General Practice roundtable.
RACGP Foundation launches PhD Scholarships The two grants on offer are valued at $25,000 per year and are designed to help outstanding doctors further their studies into general practice.
SA leaders gather to boost GP numbers Government ministers will join healthcare reps, academics and clinicians on an RACGP think tank to raise 'the prestige of general practice’.
More than 125 health organisations back Voice to Parliament A wide array of organisations, including the RACGP, is encouraging voters to consider the potential health benefits of a Voice to Parliament.
Health Minister: How Voice will make a difference A ‘Yes’ vote will help find better, more effective, practical ways to close the yawning gap in health outcomes, writes Mark Butler.